Alison Nolan
Alison is Team Leader – Libraries at Inverclyde Council and Vice Chair of the Association of Public Libraries in Scotland. A team-oriented librarian and passionate climate change advocate with over 25 years’ experience of working in public, education, and special libraries both in Ireland and Scotland.
Inverclyde Libraries were one of two public library services in Scotland selected as Climate Beacons in the lead-up to COP26 in Glasgow and were the recipients of a SLIC Project Excellence Award in 2022 for shining a light on sustainability. Alison has presented widely on libraries and sustainability including at the Next Library Conference in Aarhhus, helping to raise the profile of the contribution of Scotland’s public libraries to the circular economy to an international audience.
Marion Kunderan
Marion is currently Acting Head of Programme at the Scottish Library and Information Council (SLIC), overseeing a number of projects including the Lend and Mend in Libraries Project. Prior to her current role, as Business Support Officer for Public Libraries, Marion played a key role in the research and development of Forward: Scotland’s Public Library Strategy 2021-25 and was responsible for the administration of the Scottish Government’s Public Library Improvement Fund.
Marion joined SLIC as the Every Child a Library Member (ECALM) Project Officer tasked with researching and developing a consistent national offer for children’s library membership in Scotland. Prior to that, she worked at North Lanarkshire Council where she was a librarian specialising in Reader Development and Children and Young People’s library services.