An Introduction to Death Positive Libraries

with Libraries Connected

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An Introduction to Death Positive Libraries
with Libraries Connected

Recently a number of pioneering libraries have been exploring creative ways to help people think and talk about death and loss. This webinar will explore what being “death positive” really means and why it matters.

Join Anita Luby, Head of Cultural Services at Redbridge Libraries, as she reflects on the impact of implementing death positive initiatives. Judith Robinson from Kirklees will also be lending her perspective.

To many, Libraries are seen as a refuge for thought, reflection and connection, where life can be better understood. In many ways they are a perfect space for opening up conversations about death in a positive and supportive context. This webinar will provide some general tips and advice to give you the confidence and inspiration to consider a death positive approach to your own service. It will also be an opportunity to hear how Libraries Connected will be supporting death positive initiatives and how you could get involved in their future plans.

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