Ned Potter is an Academic Liaison Librarian at the University of York, and a Trainer for various organisations including the Bodleian, the British Library and the NHS. His book The Library Marketing Toolkit was published by Facet in 2012. Ned can be found online at and on Twitter at @ned_potter.
Libraries and Social Media: Refresh and Re-Energise Your Approach
with Ned Potter
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Libraries and Social Media: Refresh and Re-Energise Your Approach
with Ned Potter
Now that audiences are returning into library buildings, how do we build on the relationships that were built with online audiences as a result of the isolating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Join Ned Potter to reinvigorate your approach to sharing content and communicating on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. With handy tips to takeaway and share with your colleagues, this webinar aims to inspire a new confidence in your online social media communications.